Saturday, April 12, 2008

Teak decks being installed and curved covering boards get laminated

Alright, here is the aft cover board and it came out very well. The glue lines
are virtually invisible and it looks like we found a bent log to mill this board out of.

These are the first two deck panels installed with epoxy in the cockpit. You can see the bags of lead shot we use to hold them down while the glue dries.Also in this shot are a couple of other tricks which make sure everything stays in the right place. On the forward margin(border) you can see small pieces of wood (tongue depressors) that are glued on with super glue. We put the glue on the small piece of wood , Then spray the accelerator on the teak and then press the little piece to the teak, hold it a second or so and it will hold temporarily but pop off with a chisel and just break thru the glue line without damaging the teak. The little blocks along the sides of the panels are attached in the same manner.

Now we are forming the aft coaming on the same molds we used for the cover board.This board is 2" thick and would take a ferocious amount of pressure to clamp into the required curve. We resaw a 5/8" slice off the back side and then laminate them back together on the mold. We only slice the one piece off because we need to keep this glue line under the cover board far enough to stay out of sight.This junction of cover board and coaming will get a large radius and and we don't want to go thru the glue line on a bias because then the glue line would be quite noticeable.

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